Labels: I must be cruel only to be kind.
Labels: I must be cruel only to be kind.
Generally, all of us didnt do very well. BUT! I'm happy with myself today (: I tried my best, I did what I can. still, we lost. Its okay, winning is like a bonus for us. we should learn from our mistakes and become better! :D a short and sweet one for today! tired max!
NP! T-E-A-M! *whoosh!
Smiling off,
Labels: doing more things faster is no substitute for doing the right thing
I was filled with excitement and anticipation before the match. However, it was a different thing when the match started. I was scared, I wasn't up to standard, I was panting like some mad dog, I can hardly catch my breathe and I suck. I had no idea why I performed this way. This is seriously not me, not at all. I am very disappointed in myself. AM still upset about it. Gotta get back on my feet real soon, next match against SP! this thursday. Wow. have to really prove what i've got before jl lose confidence in me.
Stepped into the bathroom and I turned on the tap. Water rushing down from the top, hitting me hard on my back. It was hot, very hot. I didn't adjust it, I let it flow down onto me. Thinking that I should really burn myself and wake up soon. Whatever. Today is a terrible one. Gonna put that down and move on. Always look forward. Sometimes failures are necessary to build us to become a stronger person. Something just has to change if you're doing the same thing over and over again and still getting the same results.
Really hope to play well. More to work on Sandra. You're getting off the track. catch up girl. you can do it (: believe in yourself. prove it! RAHHHH!
Off for now,
Labels: Finish it strong.
Labels: I've faith in the team.